Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday afternoon ramblings.....

The cold weather subsided after our snowy day.  We have had some cold mornings down in the 30's but thankful for the milder daytime temperatures!  The above picture was my run yesterday morning. It had rained all day Sunday and yesterday it was clearing out.  Of course, it looked more beautiful in person!

My schedule has been so busy and I'm wondering if it will ever slow down.  McKenzie and Daniel finally got moved into their new home.  That is a huge relief! 

This was my day yesterday.....
Woke up and made smoothies for everyone and lunches for my two guys that had to leave for work,  threw a load of laundry in, and mopped the floors.  Once everyone was moving I darted out the door and ran a ten miler. I got back and Madeline (God bless that girl's soul!  She is my right arm!) had finished math with Myles and was working on science with Malachi and Myles.  I showered, started another load of laundry, scheduled an appointment, balanced our check book, and then fixed lunch for the boys.  After that I graded Malachi's geography and did Language Arts with Myles.  It was almost time to get Mariah to piano lessons so I rushed to bake a pie for a neighbor that lost her husband last week. As I turned to pull the sugar from the cupboard my eggs rolled off the counter and hit the floor.  Grrrrr..... McKenzie brought Elizabeth over for me to keep while she took Elliott to the doctor for a check up.  I took Myles and Elizabeth with me to town because Madeline had to leave to go teach piano (at a different music school than Mariah.) Malachi stays home alone for short periods and I let him keep Mac for me.  I let Myles and Elizabeth play on the playground while Mariah was at piano.  While they played, my phone went off over and over again.  (Sometimes I miss the days of no cell phones!)  When she finished we raced back to our little town to meet McKenzie to pass Elizabeth off.  I ran into Walmart because my dad needed some things.  Left there and went to the feed store because we were out of goat feed. Raced to the music school where Madeline teaches and passed the feed and Myles off to her! She took him home and got supper on the table. (Oh, I forgot.  I also threw dinner in the crockpot that morning!)  I was still in town with Mariah because she had auditions at the local theater.  She needed to eat supper so we stopped at Chick fil A and ate.  We left there and a friend called that I really needed to talk to. I talked to her while waiting for auditions to start.  After about two hours we finally left and swung by my dad's to drop his stuff off.  Ran into Publix to grab a few cold things for our household and then headed home.  I jumped in the shower and threw on my pajamas.  We had family worship with the older kids and then I was ready for bed!  The kids all knew I had been stressed and asked if I had used my oils that the naturopath told me to use.  I told them I hadn't had TIME to think about that!  I slapped on some oils and went. to. bed!!!

So, I know moms everywhere stay busy!  I know life is very stressful for a lot of people!  I can't eliminate my family.... so what do I do?  I run every single morning.  I eat well. I only have one social media account and I am staying off of it a lot more. (That is a post in itself!  SM is such a waste of time!)  I try to get a decent nights sleep. But life happens!  What are some things you do to help eliminate stress?

Well, I am not going to go back and proof read any of this!  I don't have time! :)  I have no idea who even reads my posts, but I enjoy rambling on here and love storing memories of my family!

I am off to violin lessons this afternoon!

~Until next time......

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I am one who still enjoys reading your "ramblings"! (Although for lack of time I rarely comment on any blogs these days...)

It is always an encouragement to hear of others continuing on and striving to follow our Lord!

Its also fun to 'keep up' with you all since your son Matthew has the same name (and favors the correct (left) hand as I recall :)

Also like the running connection as well, though lately it seems I'm only running ragged rather than getting any actual miles in! Being involved in the snow removal business in mid-Michigan can do that sometimes I guess :)

Grace be with you all!