Thursday, March 19, 2015

Two Ships....

This was taken on one of our date nights.  It is always hard to pull myself away from the many things vying for my attention at home, but I love my date nights with Marc! I am thankful for my "big kids" that can take care of the little guys and keep things going at home.

Today was exhausting!  Matthew was at school and then work all day.  Madeline has Veritas all day on Thursdays, so that leaves Mariah on down at home.  She was pulled to the barn off and on all day because of goats that will start kidding any day now.  I was trying to school Malachi and get some housework done.  I will save the details for a post with pictures of Macheus' shenanigans today!  I don't have the energy to upload the pictures this evening!  I will just say he was a pistol today!
 Anyway, I was planning on tag teaming with Marc when he got home and I was going to head to town to get a few things done.  He walked in the door and I made a comment that there was a college scholarship meeting this evening hosted by Veritas. (I had NO plans on going to it.)  He said he thought it would be a good idea for him to go.  (With one in college and another headed in that direction soon we need all the help we can get!)  So..... I left for the store and he took off for the meeting!  As we were leaving I hollered to him,  "Two ships passing in the night!  I'll see you when the kids are grown!"  Madeline said,  "What is that supposed to mean?" :o)
It does seem like there is always something going on!  I am looking forward to summer this year.  I will have some work to do with Malachi, but other than that we will (Lord willing!) have nothing much going on this year!

Well, I need to get to bed!

~Until next time!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I feel your pain. Seems these past few weeks have been extra busy around our house. I keep telling myself it's just a busy season, but honestly, I see no end in sight. :) and I can't imagine having animals to take care of yet like your family does.