Sunday, February 28, 2010

Laughs with the Littles

Last piece of cake left.

(For those of you that can't read phonetically spelled writing, it says "No touch, Mine, Mom said. Mariah")

The other night Marc was singing a silly song about how much he loved Mariah. She said, "Oh dad, I have been knowing that for years!"

Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart and took Mariah with me. When we got out of the van she smelled cigarette smoke and said, "That smell is enough to make my hair curl!" We went to the back of the store to pick up an order. While I was waiting I sat on the bench. She looked at me horrified and said, "Yuck, do you know how many naked behinds have been on that bench!" I said, "I hope none." She said, "Well it IS very germy!" I guess I have made my children little germaphobics! :>)

While trying to get a cute picture of the three youngest: Malachi- "OOOH...... the baby stinks!"
The laughter erupts!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is what happens when I go running and leave the teenagers in charge. No wonder they think McKenzie is so much fun!

Thankful for laughter!
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth up the bones." Proverbs 17:22


Giann said...

Love it!!

Carrington Faith said...


Hannah said...

I love the pictures Mrs. Marcy! I still find myself using phonetic spelling, when I can't remember how certain words are spelled. LOL!

I also wanted to let you know that there is an award for you at my blog!