Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Feeling thankful

This time last year we had just gotten through McKenzie and Daniel's wedding and were attempting to get our lives back to "normal" when Marc was taken by ambulance to the hospital.  It was one of the scariest moments of my life, and I am so thankful that he is not only here with me today but that he is whole!
Symptoms seemed to be a stroke, but after a stay in the neurological intensive care unit and every test under then sun done on  him they really couldn't determine what had caused it.  A follow up with another neurologist to get a second opinion ended with him saying that stress can do a number on a person, and when the body has had enough it will shut down.  Very weird..... and very scary!

After going through tough times like babies in the NICU, a bad car accident, Mariah hospitalized after a horse accident and then this, I always amaze myself that I made it through! :o)  No, really though, it was very hard.  When your baby is whisked off to the NICU with breathing problems you always wonder if they will discover something serious.  When you find out your husband and sons have been in a really bad car accident, you beg God to let them all be alright.  When your little girl is taken to the hospital by ambulance after being kicked by a 1200 lb horse you pray that she doesn't die from internal bleeding before they can get her there.  Most recently, when you get a call that your husband's coworkers have called an ambulance for your husband and you realize when you get to the hospital he can barely speak, you beg God not to let anything happen to him. All of these stories had happy endings.  My three babies that had to spend a few days in the NICU all ended up being fine.  Mariah healed from her injury and is still horse crazy to this day!  Matthew survived a car accident that humanly speaking he should not have. And, Marc's health is perfectly fine to this day!  I am amazed by God's grace in our lives!  He is so good and merciful to us even when we do not deserve anything.

Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His loving kindness is everlasting.  Psalm 106:1

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