Friday, January 17, 2014


Matthew's first time ever ... GOING to school.  He has been home schooled his whole life.  This is his senior year and he is doing dual enrollment taking classes through a  local college.  Last semester he did all of his classes on line.  This semester he is taking one on the campus.  It was VERY weird and sad!  Even McKenzie got a little sentimental watching her "little" brother go off to school.
  In the same week Matthew got his driver's license!  We (thus far) have made our kids wait until 18 to get their license.  It gives them lots of time for practice, after 18 they don't have to take the alcohol and drug class, and it saves a little on our insurance.  Matthew has always been a very confident driver.  I think driving tractors and trucks in fields helped him a lot.

So, today when it came time for him to leave for work... he didn't need me to take him. :(

Malachi watching his big brother leave.  He said,  "WOW!  Matthew is SO cool!"


And this is when I start praying that all of the safety things I have harped on for years are brought to his mind!

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you."
Isaiah 26:3

And then when the phone rings and he calls to tell me he is there, I can breathe a sigh of relief!

               All of the little boys love their "Big Bubbie".  He is so sweet with Macheus. :o)

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