Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday afternoon ramblings...

You may notice that I have several new posts on here.  I decided today was the day to get some of my posts done. Life is speeding along and I feel like I am getting further and further behind. I changed the date on them,,,, because I'm a perfectionist that way. :)  I wanted the dates to line up closer to when it really happened. :) 
                                                   (I love early morning runs on my road.)

I am trying to respond to each e-mail I received about changing my blog to a private setting.  I don't have a clue how to go about doing it yet, or how to "add readers".  I will let you know if I do but realistically, it probably won't happen until school is out.

It was really fun to hear from some of you!  I had no idea who even read my blog. I'm definitely not a "cool" blogger and not interested in becoming famous or anything. LOL.... I just enjoy writing about our family and the things going on with us. I have so much fun going back on old posts.  It is bittersweet to see memories and wonder where the years have gone! 

One reader wrote and told me that my blog was an encouragement and a calming presence in a negative world!  I loved that!  When more people used to blog, I always enjoyed the "real life" peek into the lives of other families.  I miss that now!  If any of you blog please send me your link!  I know many people are gravitating to FB and Instagram.  While I am on both, I just don't enjoy them that much.

I also was encouraged by those of you that told me you have been praying for "Baby L"!  How cool is that!?  His story is an amazing one with God's hands all over it!  HE is working, and I pray that I will be able to write all about it one day soon!  In the meantime... please pray that it would be "sooner rather than later" and that no more delays will happen!

Well, it is Sunday evening as I sit to finish this post.  Marc took Malachi and Myles back to church tonight to start a series on Revelation.  Matthew won tickets to a Mercy Me concert and he took his three sisters with him.  Isn't that the sweetest! :)  I love that they enjoy being together.... even now that they are grown.  McKenzie told me today that she felt bad that I was not going and that I could take her ticket.  LOL... I told her I was just fine staying home this evening!  I guess I am getting old, but the thought of that "noise" all evening did not appeal to me.  We have had a really long week and I am enjoying the two "littles" by myself this evening. I will have to post about what we went through with Macheus.  Oh my.... it was a very long week!

~Until next time....

(And please don't critique my writing today. I have not proofread any of these posts! :)  )

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