Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Marc took a few of the kids to Dairy Queen for the free ice cream on the first day of spring!

Madeline is trying to avoid dairy, so she and I stayed home and took the baby for a 4 mile walk instead. :)

I went into Kohls the other day to see what they had for the boys for Easter.  I saw a rack full of Chaps dress shirts that came with ties.  They were $35 (which is high wen you have to clothe as many people as I do!), but there on the bottom rack I saw some clearance stickers!  I got the three "Easter colors" for the three boys for about $3.00 each!  The sizes were perfect!  Macheus was not happy about the purple, but Matthew told him he would wear his purple shirt too!  That made it all better!  They think Matthew ("Bubbie")  hung the moon!  The top two shirts should fit Malachi and Myles next fall/winter and I think they ended up being $8 each!  I was super excited!  I was going to put it on FB and Mariah said, "Mama, really?  Do you think anyone cares?"  Maybe not, but I love a deal and get excited when someone else finds one too! :) 

Spring has been glorious so far!  A little cooler than what is typical, but I'm enjoying the blue skies and sunshine!   I know the heat will be here soon!

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