Thursday, May 24, 2018

Mother's Day

I got on here to write a post and saw that I never published this one!  That pretty much sums up my crazy life right now!
Mother's Day was very sweet this year.  The grandbabies got dedicated at church.

We also had a dedication for "Baby L" after the service.  The pastor did such a sweet job. (For those that might have missed the post we have a brand new little foster baby with us right now.  Praying that things work out for us to have him permanently and one day I can share more about him!)

Matthew bought me this beautiful andevilla  and he even did the planting for me!

After church we went to eat at Freddy's!  McKenzie and I both decided we wanted to do that.  It was quick, the kids like it, and our kitchens stayed clean!

Macheus saw that "Bubbie" gave me a flower so he went outside and picked one to give me. :)

The pictures didn't upload in the right order .... :)

After church Marc and the kids all gave me sweet gifts and I laid on my bed and visited with them.  It was a very relaxing afternoon!

I ended my day with a swim at McKenzie's house. I took Macheus with me and enjoyed some time with him.
~Until next time....

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