Friday, October 13, 2017

Fair time!!!


It is late... I am exhausted... It has been a very long week.....

The fair of all fairs is in town!  The Georgia National Fair is huge and when it comes to town we spend a good bit of time out there!  This year was no exception.  I have tons of pictures and I will post them another time. Tonight I am tired. :)

Besides the fair we have fit in school,  violin lessons, eye doctor appointment (my first real eye exam in my life!), and cleaning out clothes!  I am still on a quest for "minimizing" my house, life, schedule....We are getting there.  With each thing I purge I feel more peaceful.  might sound hokey but it is true!  The girls and I were wondering what it would look like if we could see the pile of "stuff" we have purged over the past nine months since we started this!  It is crazy, because I am not really a pack rat.  My house never really looked cluttered, but it is amazing what can be tucked away in attics, closets, drawers etc.  We have great storage in this house... and that is NOT a good thing!  I am trying to make that space more useable with things we actually use!  Clothes... the kids clothes to be exact is one area that really needed to be cleaned out!  I have sold about four Rubbermaid containers worth of boy clothes just  this fall.  I have just listed about 75 more pieces this weekend. I prefer to sell in "lots" for one price. It is much quicker for me. I offer a fair price and almost always sell them within a week.  I have hauled bags and bags of "stuff" to be donated. I haven't found it beneficial time wise to sell household stuff unless it is something large enough to make $50 or more off of.  I sold some bookshelves that Marc got for free. :)  Score!  I have two wooden tables that he got for free, and I am going to try to sell them soon.  They are "cluttering" up our barn. :)  I sold our ottoman because it was just in the way.  I just listed our coffee table.  If we don't use it, love it, or if it's not something very special..... it is GONE!  Now I am not so minimalistic that I want bare. I do like my family pictures and some cute decorations from Hobby Lobby.  I just try not to put too much money into stuff, so when I get tired of it I can get rid of it with no guilt! :) 

With Christmas coming I am really trying to think through what I will buy for everyone!   I love the idea of experiences over "things".  We are getting ready to go on a family trip in November to celebrate Marc's birthday.  We rented a huge cabin that will fit our big clan! We are all excited about getting away together.

Ok.... that was very random... I am tired... I am not going to proofread any of this!  I will post fair pictures soon!  I know anyone out there that happens to read my little ol' blog will be on the edge of their seats waiting to see them. Haha.... :)


1 comment:

Donna said...

I"m reading your blog "backward" and I did enjoy all the pictures!