Sunday, January 10, 2016

Busy hands

It is Sunday afternoon and we stayed home from church today.  Marc had to work out of town until last night and Macheus has had a fever this weekend.  It was a good day to lay low.
Poor little guy.  So pitiful when they don't feel well.  You know your kids are pretty healthy when you try to find some medicine and they all expired a year ago!  We are letting the fever burn and hopefully whatever the junk is will be quick! I am already ready for spring! :o)

Keeping his hands busy! I have to constantly be thinking of things for Myles to do.  He is constant motion and energy.  He sat or an hour painting!  Score!

Gearing up for another busy week.  The girls begin new piano teachers tomorrow evening.  They were taking from an older lady out of her home and it was time for a change.  They will be taking from a music school in a neighboring town.  They will have different teachers so their lessons will be at the same time.  Because Madeline is a more advanced student now she had to have a specific teacher.  This will be her first time having a man and she isn't very excited.  I am hoping it will push her to the next level.  The great thing about our new schedule is there is no more lessons during the school day!  Marc will come home form work, I plan to have dinner in the crock pot on Mondays and I can leave the boys at home!  I will use that night to get my grocery shopping done!  I'm excited about attempting to get more organized. That is one of my new year goals!

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