Wednesday, August 3, 2011


We have a huge butterfly bush by our front porch. Madeline and Mariah are fascinated with the different butterflies that it attracts. I bought two nets for them, but they actually just reach over and pick them up off the bush.

Mariah was asking questions about what kind the different ones were. I had no clue what most of them were, so being the wonderful homeschooling mother that I am (haha) we researched to find out. We checked a really neat butterfly guide out at the library this summer. The pictures were so pretty.

Mariah was amazed that there are about 20,000 species of butterflies around the world and close to 600 here where we live! This morning alone she saw a Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice), Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, and a Monarch (Danaus plexippus.) We found the "family" that the above butterfly was from but couldn't figure out the exact one that it was.

This one was the clouded sulphur. There are tons of different ones in that family.

Malachi just stood by eating his pear taking it all in.

What a life... :o)

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