I am thankful that he is a Godly Christian man. I am thankful that he loves me and our children with all of his heart. I am thankful that he puts us before anything else. I am thankful that he is faithful and a very hard worker. He would be the first to tell you that he is not perfect, but I can honestly say I have never met a man that desires to live a righteous life more than him! Life is demanding and when you have six children it can be exhausting. He has a desire to spend time with each one of his children and make them feel special. Just yesterday with a list a mile long that he wanted to get done, he stopped to play ball with Malachi. I know our children will grow up and have no doubt that their daddy loved them!
I love you Marc and hope this is a wonderful year for you!
Happy Happy Birthday Daddy! Hope you have a wonderful day! We love you.....
McKenzie and Madeline
I forgot that yesterday was his birthday. Tell him we all hope his birthday was one of sweet memories...and how special it must be to celebrate such a Godly man's birthday on Thanksgiving. We are thankful for Marc and all of you. You are each a blessing in our lives!
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