Notice the sword in the back of his shorts. He told me it was his tail. Also notice that he still smiles for pictures even when he has been naughty! I guess it could be worse, he could be a grumpy, naughty boy! :>)
I decided to let him try to clean it up, so he could take responsibility for the mess he had made. A few minutes later he came into my room making odd noises with his nose. My heart sunk........ yes, he did. He had filled one of his nostrils full of wheat berries. Once upon a time I would have panicked over this. I guess I am getting good at this "mommy hood" thing. I very calmly plugged the empty side and told him to blow hard. Wheat berries shot all over my bedroom floor. I decided it was time to occupy his little mind. You know the saying, "Idle hands are the devils workshop"? So, I sat him at the table with a bowl full of water, a measuring cup and a gallon pickle jar. I told him I needed his help getting the water into the jar.
Later in the evening I put him in my bathtub. I decided to leave him in there a few minutes to play. While he was in the tub I found Myles sitting in his swing with this necklace on. (I have a feeling his 7 year old sister was responsible for that!)
While I was busy snapping pictures of Myles I got this sick feeling that Malachi was up to something. He has dumped countless bottles of shampoo into the tub with him over his little lifetime. I ran to my bathroom and rounded the corner to find this.
I am going to bed!!!!
Marcy, you are so good. I would have worn him out... but you did one better.. you recorded the story with photos for his future wife, children and grandchildren! LOL! G'nite, dear friend!
Oh Mama!!!
What shall we ever do with him!!?!!
Wonderful post title...
He is so cute!!! I probably wouldn't have worn him out... guess you already knew that! Instead of him being tired today, he made YOU tired. Love y'all!
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