With this being my sixth baby I was sort of expecting some rude comments from people. It is funny how "large family" just depends on the group of people you are around. We are blessed to be in a wonderful, predominantly home schooling, family integrated church. At our church we are just an average family! However, in our little community that we live in, we are quite the oddity. We live in the country, but we do have neighbors up and down the road. I run everyday and we are outside all the time. Because I run I have met several of the neighbors down the road. The reactions to me telling them has been almost funny! One sweet neighbor was very excited and even commented that they would take this one! The others have not been quite as polite! :>) Here are some of the responses we have gotten. One lady, "Oh my God!" Yes, that was it. Another lady when I pulled my shirt tight to show her my growing belly said, "No you're NOT!" My oldest daughter babysits for two families down the street. They are both working mothers. She was babysitting for one of them the other day and she told the lady we were having another baby. (She thought number five was pretty odd!) The lady said, "Oh my gosh! I can't imagine. I would HAVE to be a stay at home mommy if I had that many!" I didn't know that was such a bad thing!
My husband has grown so weary of the smart comments from people that he has not even told people he works with. He hears the line "Haven't you figured out what causes that yet?"
It makes me sad that our society has gotten to the point that children are looked at as a burden instead of the blessing that the Bible tells us that they are. I love the quote by Doug Phillips of Vision Forum that says something like, "The Bible calls children a blessing and debt a curse, yet we prevent children and apply for debt." My sister made a comment that is so true. She said she has heard older couples say they wished they had had more children but she has yet to hear one say they wished they had had less. I am thankful for each one of my children and what they bring to the family (yes, even my wild two year old!:>)