Monday, February 25, 2019


This little guy turned 6 on February 2nd! 

I am so behind posting things on here.  I got a new camera for my birthday back before Christmas, and I've yet to learn how to save the pictures to my computer!  I have only used my iPhone for the past few years!  It is SO nice having a real camera again!  Hopefully I will get them on here soon and can share about this sweet boy's birthday!

We have a lot going on.  Things with "Baby L" are still rolling along.. but very slowly.  When people say the "system" is broken, they aren't kidding!  We have a wonderful DCFS here and our social worker has been great.  However, because they are overworked and underpaid, there is a big turnover and things often get overlooked.  We have spent all morning at the courthouse only to find out that our social worker didn't do some paperwork so the judge wouldn't even see us!   I look forward to the day that I can share more on here, but for now just keep praying!  God is working!

Which leads me to.... I have NO idea who even reads this blog.  There is so much unrest these days in our country, and I have been pondering things.  I am on Facebook and I have recently deleted quite a few people.  I share so much about my kids, and I just try to be careful who sees it.(Not to mention mean people have to go!)  I thought about this blog and wondered if I should make it private.  I have  journaled on here because I like saving the memories for my kids.  I miss the days when I had my "blog list" that I checked each day. Now everyone does social media, and I just don't like it as much.   Do any of you blog, and if so is yours private or open?  I'm not sure what I will end up doing, but if you would like to be added if I make it private feel free to e-mail me.

It is very late. I better head to bed...


1 comment:

Matthew said...

It does seem like blogging is rather out of the mainstream of popularity these days, and although our families never actually met (we were at the same NCFIC conf once I found out later) I am one who very much enjoys reading your updates and is encouraged by what God is doing in and thru your family!

Also continuing to pray for the Baby L situation and that our God who work all things for good will be gracious and work this one out sooner than later!
