Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Christmas happenings...

Christmas activities are keeping us hopping right now.  Each year I strive to make things simpler, and I still have yet to find the secret to make that happen!

One of the traditions we did growing up was making a Christmas calendar.  I wasn't even thinking about doing one this year.  Madeline came home from work one evening and had all of the stuff to do it!  I love that she enjoys doing things like that with the kids.  She is my "extras" girl!

The boys had fun doing it.

A tradition that we started back in 2009 is taking homemade sweets to the fire/police department in our little town.  In September of that year Marc and two of our children were in a serious car accident.  Some of the firefighters at the scene of the accident really went the extra mile taking care of Malachi (then 3) while waiting for me to come pick him up.  We took cards and cookies that December and just continued it each year since.  Myles' picture that he drew for them cracked me up.

One of our local stores  has Santa and his reindeer come each year.  I think my boys enjoyed the free pizza more than they did the reindeer.

I think when you have animals in your backyard it ceases to be much of a thrill.  They just reminded me of our goats! :)

Another Christmas tradition that I have continued from my childhood is taking each child out by themselves to Christmas shop.  I love that one on one time with them.

Of course, we always eat dinner out too!  I love that this kid loves Chipotle!

I love that McKenzie and Daniel live close by and we get to see the babies a lot!  They bought land about a year ago and had planned to build on it.  Building costs have skyrocketed, so they recently bought an adorable "fixer upper".  They plan to keep their land and build one day.  I am trying to talk her into blogging their progress with their new house.  I will post a link if she does!  My guys have been helping them some this week knock walls out!  It is going to look like a totally different house! The house is in excellent shape, so everything they are doing is pretty much just cosmetic.  Daniel can build just about anything so that is to their advantage!

This is a blurry picture but I sure love this little munchkin.  He is growing so fast and has such a sweet personality.  He smiles all the time and is very content.

                                           He loves his "Uncle Bubbie"!

Oh how I love this little girl!  It is almost like living McKenzie's babyhood all over again. She is just like her mama!  She has quite the personality and has stolen this Mimi's heart!  I was babysitting for her the other evening and I didn't have any "big people" at home.  I was swapping out my laundry and I stuck her in this basket.  She thought it was so funny!

Well, I probably should get ready for bed.  It's been a long day!

~Until next time....

1 comment:

Envirolead said...

Hey thanks a lot for posting this. I love what I see here. This was fun to read.