Yesterday knowing that the bad weather was coming we wanted to get outside for some exercise. My parents gave McKenzie, Matthew and I new bikes for Christmas. I didn't want to ride mine until I made sure it would fit my baby seat. We have an old bike that Matthew literally built from other old bike parts. I told McKenzie I would ride that one. We were only going to go a little ways. We headed down the road and all of the sudden Matthew came whizzing by. So, McKenzie and Matthew were both on their new bikes and I was on the old one. He (being the male that he is) led the way and we rode and we rode and we rode! We ended up about 4 1/2 miles down the road! We started to turn around and head back and I realized my front tire was flat! We were in the middle of NOWHERE and I didn't remember to bring my phone! I literally was riding on the rim and it was very hard! Matthew kept hollering at me that if I wasn't so stubborn I would have listened to him when he said the baby seat would fit my new bike! While he charged ahead I kept pedaling feeling like I was going to die! It wasn't until we were almost home that Matthew told me the bike seat I was riding was from his bicycle he had when he was about 8!
Well, unlike the rest of the county, we have school today at our house! I better get back to work! Hope this weather warms up soon and I will have a more cheerful post next time!
Your horses are SO pretty!
LOVE the pictures of them!
I'm surprised you were prepared clothing-wise for the cold weather. It always catches me by surprise and I have to scramble for long-sleeves and sweaters for the children. We just don't have that kind of clothes in every size for every year because it typically doesn't get very cold. I'm like you, I prefer the warm, flip-flop weather.
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