Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Birthday McKenzie

Seventeen years ago today the Lord made me a "mama". I can't believe how fast the time has gone by! You often hear older people say, "Enjoy them, they grow up so fast." It is true. Mariah (7) reminds me so much of McKenzie. She has an outgoing personality like McKenzie and she will do things that remind me of her. It seems McKenzie should be that little girl still. I have been going through old pictures trying to find some that captured her seventeen years. I had a hard time because there were so many cute ones. Here are a few...

We bought this bathing suit when I was pregnant, not knowing if the baby was a girl or a boy. I wanted a girl so bad! This picture was so funny because it looked like she was posing. She would grab the back of her head when she was nervous.

Her first Christmas. This one looks like Myles to me.

McKenzie and Marc the night he took her out to eat and gave her "purity" ring to her.
McKenzie and Abasha dressed up in Hawaiian stuff!

Her first quilt. She made it for Mariah and won second place on it at the fair.

She got "superior" at piano festival for three years and won a trophy.

She won a horse through a 4-H writing contest. This is the day we went to meet "Scout".

Her little sisters love her!

McKenzie, you are a precious blessing to us. I am so thankful the Lord saw fit to give you to us seventeen years ago! I hope you have a wonderful 17th year! Happy Birthday. Love, mama


Mike and Elizabeth Williams said...

McKenzie: Happy Birthday! enjoy every blessed moment with your family.

Mike and Elizabeth Williams
Dahlonega, Ga

SJeff said...

Happy Birthday McKenzie!

I love to keep in touch with your family through your blog. You are an encouragement.
