Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Little Mommy"

"Many parents get so worked up over making their children be obedient in all things they forget that training doesn't mean discipline; it means instructing  the child in how to master the issues of life."
 "Training is the art of imparting skill sets and worldviews.  Training a child in the way  he should go involves taking a child by the hand and allowing him to be a part of your productive life."
 "If you cook a meal and don't have your little girl standing beside you as you talk her through every step of the process, then you are NOT training her to be a good cook.  If you clean house, shop, sew, have a Bible study, or any number of productive activities and you don't involve your children, then you are not TRAINING UP your children in the way they should go."
 "When you train up a child to work, he will always enjoy the accomplishment of a job well done." NGJ MAR-APR 2013
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
 Proverbs 22:6

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