This was in Focus On The Family Thriving Magazine Jan/Feb 2011 issue:
Seven Rules for dating my son by Phil Callaway
Rule One: If you would like to talk to my son, please do so in the church foyer. Bring your Bible.
Rule Two: If you call my house to talk to my son, your conversation may be monitored by a customer service representative.
Rule Three: The following locations and activities are acceptable for your date:
Rule Four: My son cannot use the minivan to drive you to a mall. He has a bicycle. You may ride on the handlebars.
Rule Five: Please do not touch my son. Do not lean against him unless you are falling over and are in danger of plunging from a cliff. Do not even pull lint from his ear. He can do this himself.
Rule Six: I am aware that it is considered fashionable for girls your age to wear Fergie-style "shirts" that do not reach their low-slung pants. My wife and I want to be fair and open-minded about this, so you are free to show up in such attire. My wife will affix it properly to your body with a glue gun.
Rule Seven: Above all else, remember that we've been praying for this boy since God gave him breath, and we will continue to. When he chooses a godly girl, we will be overwhelmed with joy. Until then, we'll pray that you'll chase Jesus first and watch everything else fall into place.
I read that this morning and thought it was so funny! Being a mama to both boys and girls brings different kinds of challenges. Marc and I are raising our children to save their hearts for that one special person that God has for them. I guess there are different names people use for it, we use the term courtship. McKenzie being the oldest, my mind is often thinking along the lines of what that means as the parents of the girl. However, we want the best for our sons too. I just as much want them to remain pure before they are married as I do our girls. We live in a society that bombards males with immodesty everywhere they turn. You can't even go through a check out line at the grocery store without being exposed to garbage. I remember several years ago walking through Target with a few of my children. Matthew was with me and he kept bumping me. I looked over at him and realized he had pulled his hat over his eyes. I looked up and we were by the lingerie department and they had larger than life size posters! I was so proud of him but also so sick that you can't go anywhere without seeing that kind of stuff! I think that day I realized how serious it is that we protect the hearts and minds of our children! When we are out and I see the way some young girls are dressed I wonder what in the world their daddies are thinking! What is the real shame is that often times the church looks no different than the world. It can be very discouraging at times, and I often feel like we are going against the flow....
BUT these guys are worth it!
With God's grace, Marc and I purpose to shoot these three arrows into the world one day as strong, pure Godly men!
*I highly recommend Joshua Harris' book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and also (for girls) "Before You Meet Prince Charming" by Sarah Mally They both have really encouraged McKenzie.
A Symbol of Faith
7 years ago
Great post! I agree whole heartedly. Thanks for sharing your heart.
You might find my blog of interest where I critique Josh Harris's book.
I Kissed Dating Goodbye: Wisdom or Foolishness?
Unfortunately Josh Harris is quick to point out the problems with dating but reluctant to share any of the problems with his approach.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for sharing your blog. I have seen people get out of balance with lots of things, and it sure puts a sour taste in peoples' mouths. I would never say that everyone has to do "courtship" a certain way. For us, we are seeking the Lord and purpose to raise our children to love and fear Him. It isn't about a perfect mold that everyone has to fit in. It is about seeking God's best for our children. For us, we believe that means protecting them from the "dating scene". There are lots of good "balanced" books out there, but like anything PEOPLE can take something good and twist it. It can make something good seem "freakish". Sad but ture.
Just curious, you said you were coming from the 20's-30's range. Do you have children? Are they teenagers yet? Makes a difference in the way you view things!
Thanks for sharing.
I thought your post was awesome! I LOVED the article from Focus on the Family! Casual dating was a very bad experience for me and I love the idea of a Christian young person waiting for the person that God chooses for them.
I read that article in Thriving Family too. Very funny in a serious sort of way. I love the book Emotional Purity by Heather Paulsen and all of the books by Lesie and Eric Ludy. I find the Harris book to be more for young people who have already been dating and encourages them to stop, but these other books speak to people who haven't dated at all. Kathy
Oops, didn't mean to comment while signed in as my was me, Kathy.
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