Today would have been my mom's 68th birthday. We always celebrated McKenzie's and my mom's birthdays together. I started looking through old pictures tonight and thought I would post some random pictures for her birthday. It is so weird that my mom is a "memory" now. We found some videos of her and it was so sad to hear her voice. It made me want to see her desperately!

The above picture is when we went to have tea for Madeline's birthday one year. Below is a picture of my girls with her on Mother's Day a few years ago.

About the time that Malachi was born my mom's gout had gotten really bad and she couldn't hold the babies very much. I cherish the few pictures I have of her holding them!
This was at her house at Christmas a few yeas ago. Mariah is holding pajamas that my mom made for her. She always made Christmas so special. Even this past Christmas with crippling gout she managed to sew pajamas for the boys and aprons for the girls.

At the birth of Myles. She was in pretty bad shape when he was born but still managed to get to the hospital to see him.

This is from Christmas two years ago when McKenzie and Madeline spent the weekend with her to bake cookies. I am so thankful for those sweet memories. I remember when we picked the girls up my mom cried. She said, "I just had so much fun."

This was the last piano recital that she came to for the girls. She had a really hard time coming but was determined to be there. After the recital we had a picnic and went to an Air and Space Museum. She was always ready to do something fun!

I remember thinking she was so sick when Malachi was a baby. Looking back at this picture, now I think she looked great!

This isn't a great picture (McKenzie might kill me for posting it!), but it brings back so many memories. That is the bed that I nursed my babies on when I would be at my parent's house. That is the bed that my children slept in when they had "spend the nights" at grandma's house. I found some pictures the other day that my mom had taken when my kids were really little in her bed spending the night. I love finding pictures like that. My sisters and I have been desperately looking for things that have memories of my mom! I am amazed that everywhere I turn in my house there is something she has made or given us.
This morning (well, yesterday morning... it is Friday morning now!) I told the kids that I had dreamed about grandma that night. Matthew spoke up and said he too had dreamed about her. (This is not something Matthew would normally share.) I gave him the stack of UNO cards from my mom's house because he always played with her. He said he dreamed that they were playing UNO and she told him if she won she would live, but that if he won she would die. He won and she started fading away. He said in his dream he was hoping that she would win. It was so sad!
Well, she has been gone over a month now and we all still miss her terribly. Some days I seem all right and other days there is such an ache in my heart. I guess it may always be that way.
I guess I should go to bed. I am taking the children to stay with my dad this weekend and be with him on her birthday tomorrow (today.) If birthdays mean anything in heaven, I hope my mom has the best birthday ever!!!
1 comment:
How sad for you but what wonderful memories. Your post brought me to tears. I am praying that you have peace and comfort from the Lord!
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