The last few days have been really hard for me. Grief comes in waves. I am amazed some days that I am able to go on and function and then I will have a memory or thought that is just overwhelming. I know one thing.... I cannot imagine having to go through this without my two sisters! We have talked on the phone for hours and hours saying the same things over and over.... just because we know that the other person knows what we are going through. I have fleeting thoughts about calling my mom. It usually happens when I am stressed about something or if I have a "down" moment. I wonder if it will always be that way. I remember when my grandmother died my mom saying, "I would love to call mama and tell her about that." It is so weird to me that my mom has no idea the things that are going on in our lives right now. We went to the beach last week and I didn't have a mom to say, "You watch those babies in that ocean!" She has been gone over two months now. I feel like it has been forever. I have had someone ask me if it is getting any easier. Life goes on, you learn to function in your new norm, but no.... I don't think the void will ever go away. There are some things only a mother can fill!

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