Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Jekyll Island 2017

Every summer for the past thirteen years we have gone to Jekyll Island as a family.  A couple of weeks ago we had our annual trip!  We have missed McKenzie being with us the past two years!  Her first summer married she and Daniel came too. She has been busy having babies since then though! :)
Wake up sleepy head! It is time to go to the beach.  "Are you kidding mommy?"
We stop at this little park and have a picnic at the halfway point.  The kids are able to get some energy out!

Madeline makes chicken salad wraps loaded with yummy veggies!

I love this island, but even more I love traditions and making memories with my kiddos!

The water was a little murky this year, but it didn't stop them from having a blast!

"Look!  I'm as tall as Madeline!"

SO glad that Matthew got to go this year.  He missed last year because of school. Growing up stinks!

Such a beautiful place...

He played so hard each day.

Fell asleep on his big sister.

Matthew wanted to bury his little brothers so bad.  Macheus was the only one that cooperated!


                                                      Little crabs. :)

                                            The six still at home.


Madeline was determined to find Macheus a good shovel for digging.  She finally found one!  She is so sweet with her little brothers and they love her dearly!

This picture cracks me up.  Since I have been a mama I haven't done much swimming in the ocean.  I decided to get out there and float with Macheus.  We went beyond where the waves were breaking so we could just relax.  Out of nowhere a huge wave came up and flipped us over, Macheus was flipping under water and I was coming down on top of him. Once I realized he was ok I laughed so hard.  The kids all stood there with their mouths dropped open thinking I was going to be upset.  My glasses were long gone. Matthew and Macheus both lost theirs the day before.  You would've thought that I would have had enough sense to take mine off. :)

                                                          worn out...

I think Matthew enjoyed the sand too! :)

Malachi on the shoreline at St Simons.

 Mariah had her first ever snow cone!

We rode bikes all over the island. 

                                                     My bike buddy.

Waiting on our seat at our favorite restaurant on St Simons.... Iquanas!

Waiting on the fireworks to start.

More snow cones... and blue lips.

Shopping at our favorite junk store... The Beach Bum!

                                               Me and six pieces of my heart!

We eat junk on vacation that I would never buy at home.  Macheus didn't even know what donuts were.  He asked for a "white cookie".  The Triscuits were "crickets". :)  So funny when they hear things wrong.

More biking.  The older kids took off on regular bikes, but Marc and I had this cool surrey bike with the little boys. :)

A little Putt-Putt.  As you can see these two munchkins took it very seriously. :)

More colored mouths from the snow cones!

Massive trees on our biking adventure!

 Mariah is a daddy's girl!

Wishing I would quit taking pictures of her with her Oreo!

More biking and more Snow Cones...

Watching the barge pass by.

A very nasty, smelly crab that he found.


This last picture was taken on a bench that I take their picture on each year.  I should put them all together to see the changes! 

Well, that is the last of our summer fun for a while. We are busy gearing up for another school year and waiting on McKenzie's baby to get here!

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