Wednesday, October 5, 2016

An ordinary day...

Last Monday I spent five hours in the ER with Marc.  He came home with heart flutters, neck pain and terrible indigestion.  He is under a tremendous amount of stress at work, and is working very long hours.

I was just getting ready to take my girls to their Monday evening piano lessons.  I also grocery (and everything else shop!) for my 90 year old father on Monday evenings.  He is completely dependent on me and it is very hard juggling my family, home schooling, still having little ones AND caring for him!

Thank goodness Matthew happened to be home and he took the girls to piano.  I called McKenzie and she was willing to bring her baby and come keep our little boys!  Big "kids" are such a blessing!

After an EKG they determined he was not having a heart attack.  That was the main thing I wanted to rule out!

The next day was filled with a  doctor's appointment and running to two different places to have some tests done. This just happened to be Madeline's fall break from school, so she was free to keep the boys for me.  I'm so thankful for my selfless older children that are always willing to jump in to help.  She hasn't complained a bit that her break didn't have fun activities, but rather was filled with serving others. 

In between appointments I ran to get groceries for my dad and picked up a meal for him from a restaurant.

The next day Marc had an appointment with a cardiologist for some further testing.  He has one more test coming up and if that one comes back normal the doctor will confirm that he has too much stress. Ha.... and exactly how do you get rid of stress!?  His body reacts to the stress in almost an anxiety attack sort of way.  We have tweaked his diet, earlier bedtime and using lots of essential oils to help him deal with all that he has on his plate right now.

Anytime you go through something like this it reminds you once again to be thankful for your health, the health of your family and it makes me very thankful for "ordinary days"!  I don't ever have "down" days, but just having a routine day is a welcome relief after a week like I had last week.

Cherish the time you have with your family!  None of us are guaranteed another day!

   These pictures were taken over a month ago. The boys love playing in the center pivot in the field across from us.

And I love ordinary days!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Marcy, I'm sorry to hear that it was such a difficult week for you last week! I'm praying for you and for Marc.