Friday, April 3, 2015

Where there are boys...

there will be DiRT!

I found these pictures on the computer tonight and thought they were so funny.  Not sure when this was or who took them.  I guess one of the girls did it when I wasn't home sometime. :o)

They play so hard and have SO much fun together!

Life is good when you are 5 and 2!

You know spring is REALLY here when the pecan trees are turning green!  They are the last to turn in the spring!

This little guy is so full of life and personality!

Myles plays hard from the time his feet hit the floor early in the morning until we make him go to bed at night.  He is a creative little fellow and always has some sort of "dress up" grab on.  Usually it is cowboy themed.

I have a lot I want to write about on here but just haven't had time to sit and do it. Thought these pictures were a post in themselves!


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