I haven't taken Macheus to the doctor since his two week check-up. Our insurance changed and we no longer have to pay for well check-ups. (It's when you get sick that they get you!) I decided about a month ago to schedule appointments for Myles and Macheus to have check-ups at the same time. I thought it was a pretty smart, time saving move. Bad idea.
We have had warm, beautiful weather for days now. Today I got up and it was cold and rainy. I packed the two of them up and we headed to the big town where their doctor is located. It is about a thirty minute drive. I thought about taking one of the girls with me, but I knew they had things they wanted to do today. How hard could it be anyway, right?
We got to the office and I walked in to realize that the whole place and been renovated and I wasn't sure where to go. I had Macheus in my arms (all 27 lbs of him!), the diaper bag, my purse, coats and a blanket. Macheus wanted to nurse and was eating my shoulder. Myles was wanting to touch everything and I am a HUGE germaphobe at the doctors' office! I fumbled with my stuff trying to get my insurance card out. The lady handed me a clip board with a stack of papers to fill out for each child and told me where the "well" room was. I trudged to the waiting area and attempted to nurse Macheus, fill out forms and keep Myles from putting his hands on anything. While I was filling out forms I realized that I had given them our old insurance card. I had to stop nursing Macheus and drag everything back up to the desk to give them the current cards. While the lady was trying to update the information in the computer I heard them call our name. I wasn't about to miss our turn so I told the lady I would pick the cards up on my way out. I grabbed our stuff and ran to catch her before the door shut. (Our pediatrician is part of a huge practice!) We got back to the exam room and the nurse told me to undress the baby down to a dry diaper. Both of my kids were scared. (They don't get out much! :o) They took us to do the measuring and weighing and then they told me to get a urine sample from Myles. I didn't know how he was going to react to the whole tee teeing in a cup thing. I have a naked baby on my hip, Myles is in the bathroom in his sock feet and I am trying to get him to tee tee in the cup. I didn't realize he had to potty really bad and he started filling the cup up FAST! I kept saying, "Stop now", "Ok, that's enough, stop now!" We ended up getting tee tee on the floor and he walked through it with his sock feet. I am trying to juggle the baby while I screw the lid on the cup and write his name on the lid. Macheus kept grabbing at it. As I tried to stand up from the squatting position I lost my balance and had to catch myself with my hand. (Public bathrooms are GROSS!) I finally got it done, stood up and went to put the sample in the little door and dropped it in the toilet! I scooped it up really quick, washed it off, tried to wash my hands and get out of the bathroom. We went back to our exam room to wait for the doctor and Myles went to pick up a wooden toy to play with. I reacted a little loud and scared him to death. I wanted to spray it down before he touched it. I sprayed the toy, his hands, my hands, Macheus' hands, the exam table and our chairs and finally sat down to try to finish feeding Macheus. Right as he latched on the door opened and it was the doctor. I stopped feeding him again and that went over like a ton of bricks!
Thankfully, the boys are both healthy but I had a couple of things that I wanted to talk to the doctor about. During the course of our conversation I was told to stop feeding Macheus when he wakes up at night (at 27 lbs he obviously doesn't need the calories!) and to stop putting diapers on Myles at night even though he wets them most of the time. So, he expects me to listen to a baby scream all night and to bathe a four year old and change sheets in the middle of the night!?!
I survived the appointment, I used half a bottle of Burt's Bee's antibacterial spray, and I appreciated our doctor's advice. I came home this evening, got them both bathed, put a diaper on Myles before he went to bed, and I am heading to bed. If Macheus wakes up (which I feel sure he will), I will be tucking him into the bed with me and nursing him. The great thing about being an older mom............ I have done this before and I know.... ."This too shall pass"!
Good night!
A Symbol of Faith
7 years ago