Well, I have been attempting to post some pictures of recent happenings but our computer is really messed up right now. One of my dear children tried to upload some sort of program onto it and it has created a huge mess! I thought I would at least write a little bit from the laptop. I like posting pictures much better than writing. :o) "A picture is worth a thousand words"!
The 18 month mark of my mom's death was earlier this month. It is hard to believe that she has been gone that long. I still miss her so much some days that it hurts. I think the holidays coming up make it hard. Every recipe that I pull out for company, recitals, holidays or parties reminds me of her. She certainly left her mark on so many things. As I was standing in my kitchen late last night making banana pudding (her recipe) for a visit we are having today, I kept thinking how much I would love to be talking to her in her kitchen. The hours and hours I have watched her standing in her kitchen making food for her family and it is over now. I took so much for granted. If you still have your mom be thankful! It is sad that often times we don't appreciate things until they are gone.
Last week we got to have a short visit with a family we met in "blog world". The Pauls family from Canada came to the states for a vacation and stayed overnight at our house. McKenzie and I have been reading their blogs for years now and have always said we bet we could be friends if we lived close to each other. They were just as sweet and down to earth in person as they seemed on their blogs. (I have pictures.... I guess they will be posted later. :o)
We had the first mouse in our house in four years! We live in the country and we are surrounded by fields, so I know it is always possible. I guess we have been fortunate to have gotten away without having any for that long. A mouse in my house is a big deal though! Marc and I were in bed one night and McKenzie came busting in our room and woke us up with "There is a mouse in our kitchen!" Everything is always so dramatic at night and I sat up and told Marc he had to set some traps. He said, "You are kidding, right?" I gave him a firm "NO" and he knew I would not be going back to sleep until there were traps set. He was very sweet and ventured to Wal-Mart at 1:30 AM to get traps. The next morning the perpetrator was dead. McKenzie and I dismantled the entire kitchen and cloroxed every surface. We set six traps the next night and caught one more. So again, the next day we scrubbed everything down. (Yes, I am a germaphobe!) We have had traps set for over a week now and haven't caught anymore. The crawl space of our house is full of rodent poison. We shouldn't have anymore problems! :o)
We are having some friends over today that we haven't seen since early summer. McKenzie is babysitting today, but Madeline has jumped in and helped get things ready. We clean on a schedule so having company is never much more than planning the food. We use to be even more organized when we had chore charts. They fell by the wayside last year when we had so much going on. I really need to get those going again. It is time for Malachi to have one too. :o) I have a website that I use that has free printable chore charts for all different ages. I would post the link but it is on my other computer!
Well, I guess I should go get busy. Hopefully I will get my computer going again and can post pictures soon!
A Symbol of Faith
7 years ago
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