Monday, January 11, 2010


Our pastor has been talking about the importance of speaking blessings to each other. Marc will often send e-mails during the weekdays while he is at work with a blessing or encouragement to myself or the children. It is a sweet reminder that he is thinking about us and praying for us while he is gone during the day. Here is a little thing he sent for the oldest two a while back that I thought was cute.

Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden always advised his players, “Never try to be better than someone else; but never cease trying to be the best you can be. That is under your control. The other isn’t.”

Legendary Dad says “ Don’t compare yourself to others they are not your measuring stick but Christ is.”

The power of the tongue is an amazing thing! I can completely change the aura of the day with the way I talk to the children in the morning. When I wake up cheerful and speak positive to them they respond. I am not a morning person by nature. The other morning when I smiled at Mariah and said something positive to her (another new years goal for me is to be more cheerful in the mornings!) she said, "Are you happy this morning mommy?" Wow, that was convicting!

Tonight during our family "Bible Time" Marc had each one of us speak a blessing to someone else. Our pastor did this in church one Sunday and he talked about how it is easy to "bless someone out", but it is awkward to speak a blessing to them. At first the kids were silly and giggling, but after they settled down it was sweet to hear the things they said to each other. We plan to do this often so that it comes natural to them.

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

Off to bed, so I can be pleasant in the morning! :>)


Monica said...

That's a great post. It doesn't always come naturally for me to be sweet in the morning either.

Tracy said...

Oh how I can relate... especially before my morning cup of coffee! Every day I pray for a soft tongue, open heart and wise mind:)

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

what a great post... and a challending one for me... thanks!